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Aquaculture has a prominent role in eradicating hunger and poverty in many developing countries including sub-Saharan Africa. Aquaculture has a major contribution to food security in many parts of the world. There are around 840 million people who lack adequate Food access and the population growth would be resulting the more food insecurity leads to the Food scarcity to lead a normal healthy lifestyle. Aquaculture leads can meet this food insecurity with its abundant protein, essential micronutrients and can potentially eradicate human diseases.

Aquaculture would be the best source of food for a country like Africa where the agricultural production is low and with the Aquaculture, we can eradicate the pervert with less water source without damaging the environment.

Although the Marine fishes are the major source of food for the world population, the current scenario is not supporting to rely on them. But the growing population and the increasing demand for fish puts pressure on natural resources and bring forth a challenge to marine sustainability. Aquaculture could bring a solution to this major complication.

With the economic concern, the aquaculture would be the best answer for the production and the distribution of enough food to the expected 9 million people of the global population.

The word “Aqua” describes the combination of components that is hydrogen and oxygen. Water is indispensable for every single organism in the globe. In recent days people make headway in bringing the culture in aqua that is “Aquaculture”.

Farming the aquatic organisms include fish, molluscs, aquatic plants and crustaceans in the constrained environment to enhance the production. The aquaculture being performed in both fresh and saltwater. The process involves in aquaculture is three stages a hatchery, nursery and grow-out operation.

The objective of aquaculture is to hatch, raising, harvesting the aquatic organisms for food and commercial purpose which also helps to rebuild the threatened species. The interesting fact is that the production of algae helps in the replacement of contemporary fossil fuels. The significance of algae is a clear and farmable source of energy.

The intricate conditions in the aquaculture are the dispose of unused feed largely contains the nitrogen-based waste which leads to oxygen depletion in coastal. The most significant struggle in aquaculture is the spreading of disease. It is a wider range in salmon fish farming and the controlling measures are still in progress.

The aquaculture market value anticipated reaching $250 billion by 2022. The researchers are leading to enhance aquaculture production to increase the quality for consumers and to increase commercial efficiency. The medicinal value of aquatic organisms also proliferates the market value.

Aquaculture nearly meets 50% of the world food chain and it also has a significant role in reducing the market value of the fish to make the fish available for all. Fish provides nearly 20% per capita intake of the animal proteins. In the last three decades, aquaculture has a

12times growth and it has the eloquent capacity to convert the feed to protein compared with the terrestrial source. In 2012, the aquaculture contributes about 129 billion USD and increase the economy of the developing countries as India and China lead to an increase in the demand of aquaculture.

The aqua conference is to evolve the techniques in the aquaculture field and to truncate the impediment in the process of culture. The predominant purpose of the conference is to establish germane research and development in the aquaculture field. 


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